1812 Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained by John Milton Printed for John Sharpe Piccadilly printed by Whittingham Chiswick and Chiswick Press with illustrations
"Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained" is a famous epic poem by John Milton, printed for John Sharpe Piccadilly in 1812 by Whittingham Chiswick and the Chiswick Press, and illustrated with beautiful engravings depicting scenes from the poem. The author's work tells the story of Adam and Eve's fall from grace and the ultimate redemption of humanity through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The poem is an influential masterpiece of English literature and remains a popular and revered work to this day. The book's unique illustrations and high-quality printing make it a rare and collectible item for book lovers and collectors alike.
-In need of repair - Book does not function well and may be in need of repair or restoration.
-All conditions are subjectively evaluated based upon age.