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1889 Milton's Paradise Lost Illustrated by Gustave Doré John W. Lovell Company Binding
1880 Milton's Paradise Lost Illustrated by Gustave Doré Cassell, Petter, Gaplin & Co. Binding
1880 Milton's Paradise Lost Illustrated by Gustave Doré Cassel & Company Limited Edition Binding
1901 Milton's Paradise Lost Illustrated by Gustave Doré Thompson & Thomas Binding
1880 Bible Gallery Illustrated By Gustave Doré Cassel & Company Binding
1800s Illustrated German Bible
1851 Shakespeare's Collected Works Volume I-VIII Complete Set Boston Phillips and Sampson Company
1927 Ecce Homo and The Birth of Tragedy By Fredrich Nietzsche 1stED Modern Library
1890 Mohamed Buddha and Christ - Four Lectures on Natural and Revealed Religion by Marcus Dods D.D.
1877 A Handbook Of Legendary And Mythological Art Hardback by Clara Erskine Clement
1888 The Poetical Works of S.T. Coleridge -Thomas Y. Crowell & Co